
Ashiatsu massage makes use of the therapist’s bare feet to apply broad, deliciously deep pressure. The foot has a larger surface area than the hand which allows the therapist to provide deep smoothing of muscle and fascia, delivering a unique and comfortable deep tissue experience. In an ashiatsu session, the therapist takes the first two or three minutes to apply massage cream to the client’s entire body and sanitize her own feet before stepping onto the table. Once the massage begins, the therapist uses bars and straps installed in the ceiling for balance and support while applying long, slow, gliding strokes with one foot at a time. The ideal ashiatsu client feels like they can’t get a massage that’s deep enough. They are athletes, tall, or larger-bodied individuals who prefer slow massage. Ashi can be strenuous for smaller clients. If you are smaller than 130 lbs, your practitioner will combine ashiatsu and hands-on massage for your comfort.

$115 - 60 minutes



CBDeep Ashiatsu:

This session combines the skill of our professional bodyworkers with the power of highly concentrated, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving CBD oil and the effectiveness of Ashiatsu massage.

Ashiatsu massage makes use of the therapist’s bare feet to apply broad, deliciously deep pressure. The foot has a larger surface area than the hand which allows the therapist to provide deep smoothing of muscle and fascia, delivering a unique and comfortable deep tissue experience.

In an ashiatsu session, the therapist takes the first two or three minutes to apply massage cream to the entire body and sanitize her feet before stepping onto the table. Once the massage begins, the therapist uses bars and straps installed in the ceiling for balance and support while applying long, slow, gliding strokes with one foot at a time.

Ideal ashiatsu clients feel like they can’t get a massage that’s deep enough. They are athletes, tall, or larger-bodied individuals who prefer slow massage. Ashi can be strenuous for smaller clients. If you are smaller than 130 lbs, your practitioner will combine ashiatsu and hands-on massage for your comfort.

$135 - 60 minutes